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Honey Over Vinegar: My Week in the Peach State

You can catch more flies with honey than vinegar. – Italian Proverb My Dad’s family was born and raised in various places in the United States. My grandfather was a travelling salesman of sorts, and so was required to pick up and move from…


Oh My Lanta! Hello to Atlanta’s Charm

If you can’t fly then run, if you can’t run then walk, if you can’t walk then crawl, but whatever you do you have to keep moving forward. – Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. For most unmarried young adults, it seems that by the…


Exploring the Ebre Lands of Tarragona

In June 2021, we were just coming out of several Covid restrictions in the UK and summer was looking a bit brighter. We took the opportunity to head to Barcelona for two weeks to (i) visit Victor’s parents and (ii) finally leave the UK!…


The Wonder of Athens Part II: Opening the Archives

This post is Part II of a two-part series on my time spent in Athens, Greece (read Part I here). Part II covers my second day in Athens including lots of gold, sculpture, ruins… and pita wraps! Here we are on day 2 of…


Up and Away to Montjuïc: Barcelona’s Birthplace

The wonderful city of Barcelona is one of my favourite places in the whole world. I may be slightly biased with having a partner from this incredible place, however, I have come to really appreciate the never-ending cultural experience that can be found here.…


A Road Trip Along Norfolk’s Coastline

I am very excited to finally share my wonderful weekend away in Norfolk, back in September. We spent two days exploring the North Norfolk coast and then one day exploring the Norfolk Broads. We were inspired by a trip to Norfolk because our neighbours…


Nature Escapes In and Around London

Spring is finally starting to arrive in London and lockdown restrictions are starting to ease! This means that Londoners can now venture perhaps a little further from home. I’ve put together a list of my favourite green spaces, all being places of comfort over…