
Seasonal Digest: Spring 2019

Welcome to another Seasonal Digest! Reflection is an important part of life and in my effort to be self-aware and grateful, I will go through a summary of what’s been going on in my world season by season. This Seasonal Digest covers Spring 2019 from March to May. If you want to read more Digests, click here.

Travel Summary

Flights: 10
Countries: 2
Beds: 8

Life has been pretty crazy as of late. Here we are at the end of autumn (into winter!) and I’m publishing my spring overview! This is just how life is, and yes, I’m behind, but hey, it’s never too late to reflect. This has also forced me to look back at some amazing photos and memories. 

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Speaking of which, it’s funny how time flies. I can’t even believe that my trip to Thailand was in the Spring! It almost felt like a lifetime ago. Okay, I’ll stop talking about how long ago it feels. And yet, I still have so much to share about my epic trip back to my childhood, but for now I have an in-depth guide to Koh Lanta (including budgets), a post taking you to the best street food spots in Bangkok, and now a post on a full, fun day in Chiang Mai

Wat Phra Singh 2Flying back to London was a bit of a downer as you would expect coming back from an amazing vacation like 2 weeks in Thailand. But nevertheless we did go out on some outings on the weekends as the weather started to warm up. One such outing was to the Walthamstow Marshes. Since moving to East London, I’ve found so many wonderful forests, parks, and now marshes! I absolutely love wetlands and marshes because they’re nowadays protected which promotes the presence of wildlife. A great British activity I’ve taken up is bird-watching. It’s so fun to sit, look through a peephole and observe as birds go on their daily life. Truly, it’s a beautiful thing. 

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April kicked off with a play of all things. Before heading to the theater we went for some delectable tacos at Breddos. I honestly think Breddos has the best tacos in all of London, and they’re just down the street from the Barbican. If you know much about urban planning/living or architecture, then you’ve likely heard or seen the Barbican. It’s a prominent example of British brutalist architecture. Love it or hate it, the Barbican is a great place complete with a fantastic theater.

We went to go see Grief is the Thing with Feathers starring none other than Cillian Murphy. He’s a wonderful actor, so obviously I was not surprised when afterwards I felt like I had seen such raw, amazing talent. 


There’s a magical time in April called the bank holiday weekend! It’s four beautiful days of rest and relaxation, the first time off of the year. Every year the British pray and hope that the weather will be slightly warmer during this time. Well, 2019 proved to be a perfect weather year. Victor and I relaxed on the Friday, but then set off to Epping Forest on Saturday. It’s an ancient woodland, in fact it has been forested since Neolithic times!


On Sunday we set out off again but to a further destination than Greater London. We’ve ventured south before, having visited Brighton and Dover. We decided to visit another part of the South Downs. The South Downs are a range of chalk cliffs along the southern coast of England. They’re stunning, and if go past South Downs you’ll reach the white cliffs of Dover. The chalk of the cliffs was formed over a 30 million year period when the whole area was underwater.

We took the train to Seaford and hiked the walk between Seaford and Cuckmere Haven. It must be one of my favourite walks in all of England, perhaps the world. 


In May, I headed to Barcelona not once, but twice! One trip was for work and the other was a routine visit to check in with family and friends. As I’ve been to Barcelona so many times it’s becoming increasingly difficult to find new things to see and do… but who am I kidding? It’s Barcelona for goodness sake!

We visited another one of Gaudi’s beautiful homes, Casa Vicens, which just opened a year or two ago. It was Gaudi’s first project and wow, it’s a stunner. 


Back in London, I had my first visitor of the year: one of my best friend from law school! It was so great to see a familiar face, who I hadn’t seen for over half a year. All in all, a delightful spring indeed! 

How was your spring? How about your summer and autumn…?

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